I'm thankful to the man above (dare I call him God?). I have to remind myself on a regular basis to look at the beauty and abundance I have in my life. I'm not talking about the bank account- but the things that you can carry with you to your grave- the things you preserve in your heart.
I thank God for letting me live in such a beautiful oceanside town as a child. I will never forget the summers on the beach sitting in the water and waiting for the mermaids to appear out of the diamonds on the water. Nothing is more fun that playing touch football on the shore with a clambake cooking and waiting for me to enjoy. How about all of the times I got to iceskate in my own backyard? How many people got to pick their own cranberries (in the same backyard) and make their own cranberry food as a child?
I thank God for the talent and love for music. Next to writing, music has always saved my emotional downward spirals. There were many tears that I shed through the music I produced. How many people played a musical instrument with the band at their wedding? How many people have had the opportunity to play with a professional orchestra? How many people have parents that drove them an hour to and from expensive music lessons because they thought you were worth the time and money?
How many people get to go to the University of their dreams? I met so many unbelievable people and friends at Cornell- for the short time I was there. I remember laying on the hill near my dorm at nights and singing to the moon. How many people had a creamery on their campus? A hotel? How about gorgeous gorges to dip in on the warm summer days?
I thank God for the amazing two months I spent in Waterloo, ON. I basically knew no one there, but he watched over me and made sure I was safe. And to top it off, he steered me towards fun and interesting friends. How many people will share a meal with people from around the world and converse in two languages at the same time? How many people make such beautiful friendships in just a short two months as I was able/blessed to do?
I thank God for teaching me that it's not how much money you give or if you give an expensive gift at all. He showed me that giving your prized possessions, be-it piano music or movies, that with the right people and friends, they'll understand what a precious gift they received.
The Boss Man has taught me the greatest lesson: no matter how many mistakes I've made- he loves me and will give me the best of what I deserve. He must love me greatly to give me a wonderful family and an angel of a daughter. (She was born the day before Thanksgiving!)
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